Hey logo designers, today I wanted to talk to you about how you can work with logos that have overlapping shapes. In this case, there is type on top of a bottle shape. So let's make these logos and see what happens. When I make the logos, what's going to happen is that everything in the artwork has been colored to black or white or some variation thereof, and we're starting to lose the type.
Now, this is OK because actually nothing is gone. It's just colored incorrectly. So all we need to do is click in and make a selection of our type, turn it to white, and on the reverse version, do the same and turn the type to black. And now you can see our versions are back to the way we need them. The inverted version in this case is not required, so I'm not going to mess with it.
But if you ever see your logo come through where some of the shapes are on top of other shapes and they seem to be missing, just go ahead and click into the group and find the shapes and color them so that everything appears as it should.
And that's how you work with logos, with overlapping shapes. Thanks for watching.
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